At Parkview

Prior to Open Registration:
3-year-olds who are currently registered in the program may pre-register & secure their position for the 4-year-old program in advance, the deadline is February 7th.
Parents must get their child’s registration in before open registration begins or their spot cannot be guaranteed.
Programs & Fees
3-Year-old Program
Children enrolled in the 3-Year-Old program must be three years of age and toilet trained.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:50 am to 11:20 am (5 hours/week)
Monthly Payment $90.00
Monthly Preschool Fee $190.00 is reduced by Government grant by $100.00 *Please note this grant can end at any time.
*children turning 3 will be able to attend on/after their 3rd birthday.
4-Year-old Program
Children must be four years of age by March 1st, of the school year they will be attending. This is the current entry deadline for the school system.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:50 am to 11:20 am
(7.5 hours/week) -
Monthly Payment $125.00
Monthly Preschool Fee $225.00 is reduced by Government grant by $100.00 *Please note this grant can end at any time.
**Upon acceptance into the program, there will be a non-refundable registration fee of $125; additionally, June's fees must be paid at this time ($90 or $125 depending on the program you are registered for)**
How to Register
Open Registration
Open registration for 2025-2026 will begin February 5, 2025. Acceptance notifications will be communicated February 12, 2025. The applications will be sorted with the following priorities in mind:
First – Priority will be given to siblings of children previously registered in the program who live in Parkview/Valleyview
Second – New registrants who live in Parkview/Valleyview
Third – Siblings of children previously registered in the program from other communities
Fourth – New registrants from other communities.
Fifth – After the deadline, families will be accepted on a first come first serve basis, if space allows
Changes in residency, prior to the school year commencing, will not affect placement in the program.