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At Parkview

Arts & Crafts

Prior to Open Registration:


3-year-olds who are currently registered in the program may pre-register & secure their position for the 4-year-old program in advance, the deadline is February 7th.


Parents must get their child’s registration in before open registration begins or their spot cannot be guaranteed.

Programs & Fees

3-Year-old Program


  • Children enrolled in the 3-Year-Old program must be three years of age and toilet trained.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:50 am to 11:20 am (5 hours/week)  

  • Monthly Payment $90.00 

  • Monthly Preschool Fee $190.00 is reduced by Government grant by $100.00 *Please note this grant can end at any time.

*children turning 3 will be able to attend on/after their 3rd birthday.


4-Year-old Program


  • Children must be four years of age by March 1st, of the school year they will be attending. This is the current entry deadline for the school system.

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:50 am to 11:20 am
    (7.5 hours/week)

  • Monthly Payment $125.00 

  • Monthly Preschool Fee $225.00 is reduced by Government grant by $100.00 *Please note this grant can end at any time.



**Upon acceptance into the program, there will be a non-refundable registration fee of $125; additionally, June's fees must be paid at this time ($90 or $125 depending on the program you are registered for)** 

How to Register

Open Registration


Open registration for 2025-2026 will begin February 5, 2025. Acceptance notifications will be communicated February 12, 2025. The applications will be sorted with the following priorities in mind:


  • First – Priority will be given to siblings of children previously registered in the program who live in Parkview/Valleyview

  • Second – New registrants who live in Parkview/Valleyview

  • Third – Siblings of children previously registered in the program from other communities

  • Fourth – New registrants from other communities.

  • Fifth – After the deadline, families will be accepted on a first come first serve basis, if space allows


Changes in residency, prior to the school year commencing, will not affect placement in the program. 



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